Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Lost Necklace.

Jenny was so excited! She was going to see the new sci-fi movie, that came out two weeks ago. While waiting for her friend, Tess, to get their  tickets, Jenny was watching all the different people who came in and out.

Monday, August 15, 2016

A Girl And Her Starship.

*Dear readers, this story is a plot to a made up movie, that I created. Also it is manly for my brother, who asked if I would like to right it. *

It starts with a 13 year old Tracy reluctantly getting ready for church. Not paying attention to where she's going she run into a door, at least she thought she was going to. Before she hits it, she fazes right throught. On the other said she felt nauseous.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Stacy's Flight.

I have always liked movies. They could tell you a lot of useful stuff, and some not so useful. Some of my favorites were the princess movies. I have no idea why. It probably has something to do with being a girl, and growing up with watching them.