Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Angies Bad Day.


Dear mom, I’m writing this letter to tell you why I haven’t gotten back to you on our thanksgiving plans. Last Thursday, also Veterans day, I kinda had a bad day.

I was woken up at around four in the morning, with wind blowing, so strong that it broke my window in my bedroom. I was so tired that I just stuff a pillow in it, and went back to bed.

A hour and a half later, waking up with my head hurting, I sat up on my four poster bed, and looked at all the glass, all over me room's floor. I stood up to go my bathroom, to get dressed before taking care of the glass.

When my right foot stepped on a piece of glass. It hurt, alot. I lost my balance, and tried to grade one of the post on my bed to steady myself, but it snapped off and I fell to the floor.

Thankfully, I didn't hurt myself more. I stood up and hopped to the bathroom. Sitting on the counter pressing a towel to my foot, I managed to stop the bleeding and wrapped it up in gauze. Well I was in the bathroom anyways, I took my braids out to brush my brown hair, but I couldn't find the brush.
So I just tied my hair back in a ponytail with a bertte. I hobbled out of the bathroom, out of bedroom and into my kitchen/dinning room. I went to my coffeemaker, but there was no coffee. I must of forgot to turn it on the timer last night.

I turned the pot on, and while it was making coffee, I made me some cereal. I only spelled the milk while pouring it. And spelled the cereal itself while I was eating it.

When I was done with breakfast, I went to get a cup for my coffee, And I dropped and broke it. After cleaning it up, I got my coffee and sat back down at the table and took a sip. And instantly spat it out, because it was hot.

Grate, it was just now seven, and I already had broke a cup, spilt my foot open and burned my tongue. I had a filling this was going to be one of those day, where nothing was going to go according to plans. And how right I was.

While I drank my coffee, I read my Bible, and prayed. I managed not to spell my anything on the Bible. After words, I went back to my room and looked at the mess. I shook my head and laugh.  I picked up the post and tossed it onto the bed.

I then picked up the big pieces of glass, then I got my vacuum out, I plugged it in and hit the on switch. It didn't turn on. I spent fifteen minute trying to find out what was wrong with it. Turns out the bag wasn't on all the way.
So after fixing that, I vacuumed the floor, after I ran my left foot over. When I was done, I tried to put it up but it just didn't want to be put up, so I just left it. I also made the bed, where I found my hair brush. No idea why it was there.

I went back to the bathroom and brushed my hair, I didn't wont to be put in anything, so I put it back in a ponytail. I went back into my bedroom and glanced at the clock, it was almost eight, and I was late for work.

I put on some black business pants, and a purple laced shirt. I put my socks on, grabbed my jacket and purse, stubbed my left toe and headed out to my car. When I got into my car I couldn't find my keys. I looked in my purse, nothing, I looked on the dash, nothing, oh, there on counter in the apartment.

So I went back to the apartment, and got my keys, and right by them was my wallet, no idea how it got there. I scooped them up and headed back out. I went to look the door behind me, but it wouldn't look. I would of struggle with it but I was running late, so I just prayed that now one would break in.

I got back in my car, and started my drive to work, when I noticed that I was almost out of gas. I decided to stop for some. when I got to the gas station, and after I felled it up, and finally got to work, I was very late.

I walked into work, waved to some co workers and sat at my desk. When a close friend/co worker walked up to me with a weird look.

“Look I know I’m late.” I said “ but you wouldn't believe the day I’m having.”

“That's nice.” my friend Lacy, said smiling a little “ why are you here?”

“What do you mean?” I said puzzled.

“It’s Veterans Day, you get today off.” Lacy said sweetly.

“Oh no,” I lead my head down on my desk. How could I forget that I got today off.

“Oh by the way, nice socks” Lacy said and walked off to her desk. I look down at my socks and moaned. One was purple the other was navy blue.
Because I didn't need to be at work, I grabbed my purses and went back outside. I decided to walk to a coffee shop. Part way down the street I stopped at a bench and sat down, it gave a loud groan and then collapsed.

I jump back to my feet and looked down at the bench, right when I felt a tug at my arm and then my purse was gone.

I spun around and saw a man wearing blue jeans and a green blazer, he had my purse and was running off. My foot hurt' so I couldn't go after him, oh hum.

I went back to my work and went in. I found Lacy and told her what happened and asked if she could drive me to the police station to report.

She said she would be on break in ten minutes. well I was waiting, I went to my car to get a book I keep in there. On the dash, I found my keys and my wallet, I didn't put them in my purse that morning.

I went back into the building and told Lacy, about my wallet so she didn't have to drive me. She must of noticed how bad I felt, that she insisted on driving my to the station.

When we got to the station, two officers took my statement One was a young man (Officer Rowen Connors.) The other one was a slightly older man (Officer Michael Welsen.)

I told them the distcripshoin of the thief, were it happened, that sort of thing. Officer Welsen went to file the report, and I was free to go. When I stood up from the chair I was sitting on, pain shot through my foot, the one that I had cut. I winced and sat back down. Both Officer Connors and Lacy looked at my concerned.

"Are you ok?" Lacy asked.

I shook my head " I cut my foot bad this morning, and it bothering me again."

"How bad of cut?" officer Connors asked.

"Pretty bad." I replied.

"You probably should have it looked at." Officer Connors said.

"Were going to, right now."  Lacy said. she and Connors helped me to the car and Lacy drove me to the E.R. On the drive I told her how I had hurt myself, and everything else that had gone wrong
At the E.R We waited for some time before we were led into an exam room. They leted Lacy come back with me.

The nurse got my foot ready, and the doctor (Clint.) sewed it up. He gave me pain medicines He said to keep off of it as much as I can

Lacy drove me back to work, she then went in, and I got in my car to drive home. Going down the highway I release I needed groceries, so I pulled up at a food mart.

Things went well in side, it took me awhile to find some of the thing I wanted,but nothing else. After checked out, I went back to where I parked my car. It wasn't there. I look at the hole parking lot, no car. I sighed, and went back inside.

Using a employ phone, I called the police and then Lacy. She arrived right after the cops had left, they said I probably would not get my car back, but they wold look.

Lacy drove me and my gracious home. She helped me put them up, then she sated awhile and we talked over coffee.

After Lacy had left, it was late and I went to make dinner. I was tired, I just made a can of chili. I took the bowl of chili out of the microwave, and went into my living room.

There's this rug in there, that never stays down. When I walked into the living room, my foot got caught on it. Going down, my body twisted just enough that I hit my arm on a night stand I keep in there. In doing so, I herd a loud crack before I hit the floor.

I don't know how long a lade there in a daze. When I finally got up my arm hurt more then my foot. I gust it was broken.

I very careful picked myself up. I decided to go to one of my neighbor, Mss. Grant We had been trading recipes over the last few years, and I had gotten to now the widow pretty good.

When I knocked on the her door, and she opened Mss. Grant gasp. I Guess I was In sight. Wat with my not tamed hair, chili all over my front, arm just hanging there and my fixing to brake into tears .
"Good grace!" She cried "What happened to you?"
Mss. Grant assured me in as I told her my day. She called an ambulance, and well we were waiting she cleaned me up a bit.

The ambulance drivers were very nice to me, so was the staff at the E.R. Doctor Clint from before, setted my arm, he also had a nurse call Lacy to come pick me up, which of course she did. Boy do I owe her.

Lacy drove me home and put me to bed, she then cleaned my apartment, then went home her self. The next morning I had a cold, and stayed in bed most of the day. Lacy came by for the next few day taking care of me as much as she could.

My foot is much better now, my broken arm is healing fine and almost over the cold. I never did get my purse back, but I did get my car. thankfully there wasn't much damage to it.
So yea that's why mom, I haven't been able to talk to you lately.  
                                                                                                         LOVE ANGIE.
P.S. Do you have any ideas on how to repay Lacy and Mss. Grant?

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